Treating a Personal Injury
Personal Injury
If you've been injured in a car accident or workplace incident, we can help you navigate the recovery process by building a personalized treatment plan to help restore your health and overall wellness.
When you experience an accident, it is critical that you visit a reputable chiropractor as soon as you are able-- even if you feel normal. Issues stemming from car accidents and workplace injuries can take time to reveal themselves, so the sooner you can be evaluated the better.
Don't wait until underlying issues expose themselves, potentially causing a greater amount of pain and prolonging your path to recovery. Remember-- if you wait too long to schedule an appointment after an accident, you run the risk of forfeiting your right to insurance coverage.
The most common areas of the body affected by a car accident are the neck and spine. Scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor after such an injury can help improve your mobility and pain as well as decrease the the chance of suffering from long-term soft tissue damage.
Dealing with a personal injury insurance claim is a two step process. Your absolute top priority should be scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor to address any known (or potenitally unknown) sources of pain. Your secondary priority should be making sure you obtain fair compensation for your injuries from the at-fault person's insurance company.
Palmetto Wellness and Injury Centers has over 25 years of experience in helping personal injury patients navigate the complicated insurance compensation process that often comes with injuries stemming from car accidents.
We have worked with countless attorneys throughout South Carolina and understand the types of documentation required to help you achieve a satisfactory conclusion to your case.