Dizziness and Veritgo
What is vertigo?
Vertigo is the medical term that describes the feeling of objects moving around you when in fact the objects aren't moving. Those who have experienced vertigo describe it as a spinning or swaying feeling that makes you feel as though the world is physically spinning around as if you were on a merry-go-round.
As if the feeling of spinning weren't enough, vertigo also comes with other side effects including sweating, nausea, vomiting, and/or difficulty walking. If you've experienced vertigo you know exactly how devastating and debilitating the condition and its symptoms can be.
How Chiropractic Treatment Helps Vertigo
Regular chiropractic adjustments can help cure vertigo and its symptoms. Spinal adjustments help your nervous system, which is responsible for facilitating communication between your brain and body.
Your chiropractor may perform specialized manipulation techniques around the upper neck region if you are suffering from cervicogenic vertigo.
This type of vertigo is caused by your body sending incorrect motion patterns to your brain, resulting in dizziness. Proper readjustment of the spine and upper neck can correct this misinformation and alleviate vertigo.
Inner ear issues are another leading cause of vertigo. The slightest issue in the complicated and intricate inner ear system (such as debris buildup) can cause issues resulting in vertigo.
In this case, chiropractors often perform something known as the Epley Maneuver, which re-positions the debris to a location that does not cause vertigo symptoms.
If you are suffering from vertigo, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your closest Palmetto Wellness & Injury Center location to schedule an appointment.