Headaches and Migraines
Did you know that nine out of ten Americans experience headaches? While some headaches are relatively mild, some can cause intense side effects including nausea and intense pain. If you suffer from frequent painful headaches, don't keep reaching for the Tylenol; chiropractic care can help!
Understanding What Causes Headaches
The first step towards mitigating headaches is understanding how they occur. Headaches can be caused by many different factors including lights, stress, noise, and other reactions to physical stimuli (such as exercise, lack of sleep, etc.).
The vast majority of people who suffer from headaches experience them as a result of tension in the neck and upper back. This tension is often caused from the mostly sedentary lifestyle Americans have adopted-- sitting in one fixed position (such as in front of a computer or television) can cause increased muscle tension in the neck due to lack of movement, which can cause painful headaches.
Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches
Depending on the type of headache and its primary cause, we can perform standard chiropractic adjustments to reduce stress in your neck and upper back. The purpose of these adjustments is to normalize your muscle tension, restore your joint range of motion, and to stabilize your body to reduce stress.
Your body's posture plays an important role in the prevention of headaches. Proper posture allows you to breathe from your diaphragm (as opposed to your chest/shoulders). Improper posture can increase the stress placed on your neck/back, which leads to decreased lung capacity and-- you guessed it-- headaches.
Chiropractic care seeks to restore function to the ribs and spine, promoting better posture and better breathing. Better posture and breathing can lead to less stress on the body which can lead to fewer headaches.
In addition to chiropractic adjustments and "hands-on" treatment, chiropractors can work with you to identify the triggers causing your headaches and can make recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes to help you combat frequent headaches.
If you're tired of suffering from headaches, we invite you to schedule a consultation with the Palmetto Wellness & Injury Center location closest to you. We look forward to your visit.